Administering Interim Assessments

Smarter Balanced offers different types of interim assessments that can serve a variety of educator needs, as described in the Interim Assessments Overview (PDF). Flexible administration options are available to support both in-person and remote administrations.

Item Viewer

Some states make available to educators an interim assessment item viewer. If available, a teacher may access an interim item and display the item during instruction within the platform.

Interim Assessments

Consortium members may configure their test platforms to allow teachers to administer interim tests remotely and students to take interim tests remotely.

Similarities in the assessment process between remote and in-person instruction

  • Know the purpose for administering the interim assessment (or test items).  For example, what new information do you need about your students’ skills?
  • Choose which interim assessment will provide the best information or whether presenting an interim item during instruction will best meet your needs.
  • Match the conditions with the purpose including:
    • the student’s environment (access to external information),
    • accessibility resources, and
    • timing based on when instruction was provided.
  • Use the results to inform next steps in instruction.
  • Follow all test security protocols outlined in the first two “Don’t” bullet points on the next tab prior to interim testing.

Understanding and Using Interims

The following strategies can facilitate the use of the formative assessment process in distance learning.

Understanding the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments

Interims are Key to Setting Learning Goals

Use Interim Assessments to Move Students Forward

Questions and Answers

Planning Tests

Administering Tests

Printing and Sharing